Wednesday, March 4, 2015

With A Little Help From My Friends

This morning was quite the rainy one! In fact all day has been a mixture of signs from a Mother Nature that can't make up her mind. 

Along with the rain, we were gifted with the opportunity to help out at a place called God's Outreach.

God's Outreach is a food bank for Madison county in Richmond. The woman on the far right, Joyce, graciously allowed us to work with her and her staff this morning. We packed bags, moved groceries, and talked with a diverse group of people. I had the pleasure of taking the foods to the cars of families in need. It was pouring down rain and I couldn't feel my hands, but the comments and stories I heard made it all okay. One woman went as far as to ask if the reason for my helping was because I was in trouble! I laughed and explained we were from out of town and we wanted to help. She confirmed our need in the world for more people like that. 

Photo includes Ben helping to unload food.

Left- Local volunteer, Alfred, Morgan, Shawn waiting to push the carts for those in need.

The mornings experience was exhilarating and reflective. Volunteering, even if for a few hours can make all the difference. Joyce gave us all a little wisdom along with some food as a parting gift. She told us that we need to find a volunteer opportunity we love and to give and then give some more. People are in need and when we are all giving, the world can be a beautiful place.

After lunch we went back to work on our frame! More nails were hammered, more knees were sore, and more was accomplished. We ended our work on this house, in particular, with an almost complete frame! 

Marty will be finishing up part of a window and the front door! Other than that, this house is ready to be moved to its resting place!

This is our crew leaving the workplace for the last time.

At the end of each day, during reflection, we are asked to tell our high and low moments as well as the moment we feel closest to God. I'm realizing as we continue on this journey that my high moments so easily couple with how close I feel to God. If you are up to it, as the readers, maybe think about your moments that fall under these categories and reflect with us as our adventure continues!

Tomorrow is a new day!  A new site will hopefully be visited if weather permits!


1 comment:

  1. Love the high moment, low moment, and moment closest to God... Absolutely wonderful. Enjoy your last few days, keep up the beautiful work!
