Saturday, February 28, 2015

We Made It!

People don't take trips... trips take people.

-John Steinbeck 

CDs were played, conversations were had, and naps were taken. Our van of eleven arrived in Richmond after 10 hours  of travel! We stopped at a wonderful Denny's where too much food was consumed. We then proceeded to take a "shortcut" back to the highway that led us through some vast fields with old-fashioned, beautiful houses! Needless to say, it was an acceptable detour. 

Upon our arrival, a shopping trip was taken, in which Anna (photo below), Shawn, Carrie, and Brendan gathered our food for the week! 

We christened the new place with a viewing of Frozen, which to most people's shock, was Giona's first time watching it! 

After our first reflection, all are preparing for the day we have tomorrow! Pray for good weather as we go out and explore the wonderful city of Richmond!


And away we go...

On this cold, winter morning we are off on time! We have eleven people to a twelve person van and we couldn't be more snug! Along for the ride we have, Marya, Ben, Carrie, Jessica, Anna, Shawn, Giona, Brendan, LeAnn, Alfred and myself! 

Multiply this amount of cargo by at least three and then you will be in our shoes!

Let's be honest, we are all excited to get out of Erie and the cold! The fifties will feel like summer and the layers of clothes will be shed! 

Next stop, Richmond Kentucky! 
