Sunday, February 16, 2014

The Trip is Almost Here!

WOW! The trip is only two weeks away and we cannot believe it. We have been hard at work preparing ourselves for what is to come! In the midst of all the craziness, everyone took some time to write out why they chose to come on this trip, what they are excited about and nervous about, and what they hope to gain from this experience. Enjoy!


I chose to come on the trip because I was already a part of Habitat for Humanity at Gannon, and I thought it would be a great experience.

I'm nervous about doing well with the actual build itself. I've never really done anything like this before, so it should be interesting!

I hope to gain a new understanding of the situation in Bridgeport, Connecticut and make a positive impact upon it.


I used to be a carpenter by schooling. That being said, I have not been able to work on a jobsite since I came back to college a year and a half ago. When I saw that I had the chance not only to get back to work but also help people while I was at it, I jumped at the chance.
Now that I have spent a couple of hours getting to know this group, I must say we are an … interesting bunch. It should be enjoyable to work with them. At the last meeting it was decided that I should be the one who goes around making sure everyone gets up on time. I get up at 5 everyday anyway. Something tells me I will have some fun with that.
To be serious though, I have always respected Habitat for Humanity because they help prepare people get housing. But in the process they also teach those people how to take care of their houses, which is a dying skill. It is not every day that I get to be a part of that.
I am looking at this little strip of paper that they gave me that is prompting me to answer questions like “what are your fears?” and “what do you hope to learn?” To be honest (and to answer all the questions they gave me), I am not worried about this trip, nor I am looking to learn anything. I just want to be able to do some good for a week. Everything else is icing on the cake.

As the date for our endeavor rapidly approaches I find myself feeling more and more like an old fashion pirate setting off for new adventures and far off land lands. Each member of our group a different but intricate part of our crew. And at the head of our crew is our brave and fearless captain whom I shall follow into the darkest abyss. While we may not be out in search of booty and treasure I feel our quest is a more nobel and dignified one. What we will be finding buried under the X will be more valuable than anything you could ever find in a treasure chest. We will be finding something that only you can describe or fully experience yourself. A feeling of satisfaction and goodwill toward your fellow man kind that cannot be matched by any plunder in the world. I look forward to our castoff and cannot wait to embark on our great voyage to the port of bridges with the greatest crew to ever sail the open freeway. 

Since I have been here at Gannon, I have been actively involved with Habitat for Humanity. I love the organization and the work that they do not only to build houses, but to help people learn how to be homeowners. In fact, I loved this organization so much that I decided to take on the role as President for Gannon’s Chapter of Habitat for Humanity, which is largely what got me involved to lead this trip! I had gone on an ABST trip in the past and had absolutely amazing experience; I was hooked! There is nothing like spending your break by losing yourself in service to others. The fact that there was a Habitat for Humanity trip to participate in just made the decision that much easier!

I am very excited to see how Habitat for Humanity is run in different parts of the country. I am also very interested in learning more about Fairfield County and in seeing the area first-hand. Most of all, I am excited to share in this experience with my classmates, and deepen in relationships with them and with the community that we are serving. I am not really nervous about anything; I think that my excitement outweighs my nervousness! I just hope that we are all able to make bigger connections and see the bigger picture as to why we are doing this service and as to what we can draw from it. I hope that everyone can apply what we learn on this trip to the rest of their lives!
Thank you all for your support!


I chose to go to Bridgeport with Habitat because I really believe in the 'hand-up' message that is core to Habitat for Humanity's mission. I'm really excited for the challenge of working on a build site for a week straight, seeing the progress that will be made, and knowing that all of our collective work will go toward a home for a family that truly needs it. I'm only nervous about all the challenges that I haven't considered -- this is my first time on a trip like this, and while I'd like to think that I know what I've committed too, I won't find out until I experience it for myself. I hope to gain a better understanding of the real poverty people face in America. I feel like I've never been exposed to the day to day realities that some people are forced to face, and I hope that, through this week in Bridgeport, I'll better understand what it means to be impoverished. 


I am nervous but excited about this trip. I chose to come on this trip because service is a big part of my life. I like helping others and I love that I am getting to go on a habitat trip. I love building things and painting so I know this trip will be fantastic. I am excited to meet new people and have a week to get away from college and just help others. I am nervous about how the week is going to go. I hope to learn more about this group and building houses. I am also excited to learn more about the family that we are building the house for. I want to gain more of an appreciation for those around me and I feel like this experience will do just that.


I chose to come on this trip to meet new people and make friends and also for the experience.  I am most excited about spending time with my fellow classmates and actually getting to know them more than just as simple acquaintances.  I am somewhat nervous about getting injured on the trip, but I am more nervous about 13 people staying under the same roof in cramped conditions and still trying to keep happy positive attitudes.  I'm afraid that sparks are gonna fly at some point.  I am hoping to gain more compassion for people in general.  I would like to learn how to put love in action.


I am very excited for our trip and I am counting own the days. I wanted to come on this trip because I wanted to do service that was more local. As nice as it would be to go to a foreign country and volunteer, it is also extremely rewarding to be a part of something that is close to home. I am excited to become a part of volunteer work again because I was very active with it at home. Since being away at school it has been harder to do a lot of service and it is nice to start volunteering again. I am also excited to build closer relationships with my group and form new friendships. I am nervous about learning house-building skills because I have no idea what I am doing. It will be nice to learn these new skills though, whether or not I use them later in life.

Hello There Everyone!  I CANNOT wait for the trip – and I cannot believe it is less than a month away already!!!  It really snuck up on us fast, but I am beyond excited for it.  Our group meetings have been going well – it will be great to get to know each member of our team more and more once our trip begins!  It is wonderful being part of a group where each member is so individual and diverse, it will be interesting to see how we all work together.  During our last meeting we began to talk about the specifics of our trip – what we are bringing, wearing, eating – different topics that made the trip feel real!  I mean we have been talking about it for months now – but for it to actually be just around the corner is just craziness! 
Why did I choose to come on this trip?  Good question.  I am not entirely sure to be honest with you.  I knew of course the trip sounded fun and amazing, and I would get good memories from it for sure –but something drew me towards it.  I believe this is a time in my life when I need to find out who I really am.  I feel we all get too caught up in everyday life – not realizing (basically ignoring) the special little things and becoming easily frustrated by other little pointless things; we need a wakeup call!  I am doing this for the wellness of myself and others, through acts of kindness and love.  I hope to become more appreciative of all that surrounds me, bringing me closer to God through my actions and in prayer.  I love being with others and helping them, and I believe working for the good of others is the most rewarding thing anyone can do!  Gosh, did I say I was excited yet?!?!
Something I am nervous about would probably be taking myself out of my element and comfort here at school – but this is also something that excites me!  I hope that I can take all the things that make me scared and nervous and turn it into feelings of excitement.  I hope that I will not let my fear stop me like it has so many other times in my life – I hope it motivates me to take the extra step towards something I normally wouldn’t have done.  I plan on bringing a journal with me to jot down different memories and ideas while I am on the trip – I hope I am successful with that!  But I think reflecting every evening of our trip as a group will be key to helping us build skills that will keep us grounded when we return to Gannon.  And I hope we come back ready to continue what we learned here at GU!
Thanks everyone for reading my blog and I hope you are getting PUMPED UP for our trip!  Can’t wait to tell you all about everything that happens to us and around us:)  Keep the positive thoughts and prayers going! 

With the ABST trip to Bridgeport, Connecticut right around the corner, my feelings of excitement and eagerness are making their way to the surface.  I am so stoked to be going on a trip with my fellow peers, and cannot wait to make everlasting friendships while doing good for a community in need.  I love the idea of getting my hands dirty and doing some hard, physical labor to help others.  Although the tasks may be difficult at times, if we all work together as a team, anything is possible.  I know our hard work will leave a lasting imprint on this community, but more importantly, they will leave a lasting imprint on us.

I have volunteered with Habitat for a few years now, but only on an afternoon build here and there. I thought helping with their mission on the “Golden Coast” would be a great way to spend my spring break.
I am most excited about the group of people going. Everyone seems like they will be a lot of fun to work with. As with other trips, I am most nervous about the work. But being such a big, muscular guy, I shouldn’t have too much to worry about. (In case you do not know me, this is sarcasm…)
As for expectations, I try not to have any for what I may learn or gain while doing mission work. My attempt is always to keep the focus not on myself but on those whom we are called to serve. Working with open minds and open hearts allows God to speak to us through surrounding situations and people. I feel it is in this way something of true value can be learned or gained.

Whenever I think about the Connecticut trip I get really excited because I know it is going to be such a great experience. I chose to come on this trip because I want to expand my horizons and this is the perfect opportunity to do so. I also want to volunteer more. A few years back a friend of mine went on a trip with Habitat for Humanity and helped build a house for a family. After hearing about the experience and seeing through pictures the amazing work they did I knew I wanted to be part of something like that. There are so many things that I am really excited about! For starters, I am pumped to go to Connecticut and see this state in general. I would love to eventually travel to all of the states, so this will be a good addition to my list of states I’ve been to. Another thing I’m so excited for is assisting in BUILDING A HOUSE! That is going to be so cool! I am definitely looking forward to traveling and living with our group too. It’s always exciting to branch out and meet new people, especially in a situation like this where we are all coming together for a great cause. Along with meeting new people and exploring new places comes a little bit of anxiousness and fear of the unknown. Living with a group of 12 other people will be interesting and fun, but realistically I know that some conflicts could potentially arise. I always try to get along with everyone and never seem to have issues with this; I just hope others will feel the same. Another fear is whether or not I’ll be able to figure out what it is I am to do when working on the job site. I know there will be contractors directing us, but I hope that I will be able to complete everything that is asked of me. Also, I have heard a couple negative things about the area of Bridgeport that we are going to, such as it being “ghetto”. This makes me a little nervous, yet at the same time I know that there will be twelve other people there with me and we will all have each other’s backs ;). Overall, I have no doubts that this will be an unforgettable trip and a start of many great memories made with wonderful people. I am looking forward to learning more about not only who I am, but who I want to become. I hope to also gain knowledge from the contractors and everyone on the trip on building and home care. I can’t wait!! J

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